Photo Series


Photo Series and Projects

I love collections of artworks because it can take tremendous time, effort, and commitment to finish. Here are some projects and series I’ve completed so far.


Limbs and Lumber, 2016, Film

I’ve always been a fan of double exposure photos—both digitally and the old-fashioned way through film. The Limbs and Lumber series was created using a double exposure method on photo paper. The purpose is to juxtapose parts of the body with stilettos of trees.

After Hours, 2016, Video

After Hours is a series of gifs I created inspired by Carrie Mae Weems. Specifically, it’s a homage to the Kitchen Table series in 1990. I used the same square format in black and white to challenge the way females are identified by their appearance in society. The intimate gifs in a loop portray a female taking off her makeup unashamed. I welcome you to ask yourselves whether this series makes you uncomfortable, calm, or even indifferent and question why is it that you feel that way.


The Mirage of Instagram, 2016, Digital

Newmelrose is a mock Instagram profile I created with the purpose of shedding a light on the mirage of Instagram. I wanted to bring awareness to what is happening behind an Instagram post. It’s easy to get carried away scrolling and liking pictures, but often there are stories behind photos that are never told. This is why I created the Instagram profile @newmelrose and posted 36 photos with captions to unfold what may be happening behind the typical picture-perfect Instagram feed.  

Corners of Chinatown, 2015, Film

To me, Chinatown in the winter usually feels uncomfortably gritty, damp, and quite frankly…brick cold. Though it may not seem like it, the majority of the photos from this series were taken the day after a New York City blizzard. Take a peek into some of the often-overlooked “Corners of Chinatown.”